With any ingestible matter remember to cut it in half to make it taste better. Divide and conquer. When cut in half, you are now able to start at the inside and eat out. You can begin and end at the nucleus, throwing the crusts to the dogs. This goes back to the Egyptians and the Nile River. The Nile was full of snakes, and these snakes had the effect (or so the Egyptians thought) of making the river water taste good. But of course some in their interactions with the Nile were bit by the snakes and died. Enough died for an uprising to occur against the snakes. The snake became an enemy animal and the people wiped them out with their spears but then the water started to stink, and the taste was disgusting. What had they done? The great Pharaoh, not knowing what else to do, decided to take his workmen off of the pyramids and work instead on freshening up the water of the Nile. How did they do this, you wonder? The Nile was banked by some large patches of lush rainforest with tons of fruit trees. The workers’ job was to take the fruit and squeeze it into the Nile – apples, peaches, oranges, pears, watermelons, grapes. The idea was to add a fruit cocktail to this putrid, un-snake-infested water and make it good again. And boy did it work! To this day the Nile water has an extraordinary sweet flavor. The achievement is really more astonishing than the Great Pyramid at Giza, because of how even more impossible it is! Now when I say “divide and conquer” I mean cutting something in half and allowing oneself to be conquered by it. That’s the real meaning going back to the ancient Egyptians. By dividing something, like a fruit, you do not weaken it, you weaken yourself, voluntarily (in a forced manner), in order to make something that is helpless and pitiful appear strong and powerful. Understand? No. Not possible.

See, Egypt is a mostly desert country and it was just loaded with snakes, as I said—in the water, in the sand, in the trees, you name it. Now the Egyptians quickly discovered the strange intoxicating properties of snake venom. Venom kills you because it deprives you of oxygen. Someone figured out that one snake, the Nile Adder, if you take just a tiny amount of its venom, you experience an unbelievable, extremely powerful HIGH during which extraordinary visual hallucinations occur. Now we must consider the discovery and spread of such a drug in relation to the crowning achievements of the ancient Egyptians—the Pyramids. We understand the likelihood (knowing the miraculous feats of engineering that the great pyramids were) that Aliens of some kind came down to help with the construction of these pyramids. But there is a bigger first question: where did these aliens come from? Announcement: we have an answer! And you can be sure it has everything to do with snake venom.

Let me tell you. The snake venom was of course a huge hit with the bored, overworked Pyramid workers, and soon they were taking large doses of the Adder venom on a daily basis. The eye is like a camera without an operator until it is connected to the brain. The eye doesn’t see. The brain sees. Under the force of drugs of such awesome power reality slips. Dimensions bend. The workers' hallucinations became so strong, the crazy extraterrestrial beings they were seeing actually came to life! They appeared because the drugged workers thought they were there.

Where did the Aliens come from? They came from the micro-doses of Adder venom. That is how they got here, and that is why we don’t know where they went. They returned to the hallucination dimension. No space ships or light years were ever needed.

copyright 2006, by Christopher Duckett

Adder Venom